
3rd most populated SEA country (99 M inhab) of 3400 km coastline

Red River and Mekong deltas

One of the highest demographic density in the world (> 1000 inhab/km2), gathering highly populated rural and industrial areas and big urban centers: Hanoi (7.6 M) and Ho Chi Minh City (8.4 M)

Vietnam economy

Relies on agricultural, aquaculture, fishing and touristic industries depend on water quality

Vietnamese coastal environment and its riverine systems

Are important at the SEA and global scales, crystallizing all the environmental and socio-economic issues related to riverine discharges under monsoon climate and strong human pressure

Objective/questions of the PLUME campaign :

To better understand the transport of water, particles, natural and anthropogenic
materials, their distribution along the river-estuary-ocean continuum, and their impact
on the Vietnamese coastal zone, mainly in its 3 largest riverine systems: The Red
River, Mekong River and Saigon-Dong Nai Rivers, during the wet (rainy) season Saigon-Dong Nai Rivers, during the wet (rainy) season.

Variability of estuarine
hydro-sedimentary processes?

Transport, dispersion and evolution of
water masses?

Concentrations, distribution, potential
sources and fluxes of various naturals
and anthropogenic materials along the
salinity gradient?

Abundance, productivity and diversity of
planktonic organisms, mainly bacterio-
and phyto-plankton, along the salinity



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